7/13/2024 0 Comments Thoughts on Flow...Have you ever been so wrapped up in something pleasurable you were doing that you lost all track of time, and even forgot about your worries and to do list? You may have come out of what you were doing, be it gardening, painting, working on a project, and thought; "there's no way I was doing that for 2 hours, it only felt like a couple minutes!" You somehow don't feel drained but refreshed, peaceful and a bit accomplished.
Most likely, you were in a state of flow. Psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, who researched flow extensively beginning in the 1970's, calls flow "the secret to happiness." Research suggests people who get into flow regularly may be more likely to have higher levels of happiness, creativity, emotional regulation and even enhanced performance. What exactly is flow state? Flow is a energetic state in which we are fully present in an act of creation, such that our sense of time and self consciousness dissolve. We humans love to create. Truly, we are always creating something be it internally or externally. The act of creation we chose which can lead us into a flow state can be simple, like doing the dishes, or more complex, like creating a piece of fancy artwork. Regardless of the complexity of what we are creating, flow is something we find pleasurable, even if just in some small way. It is something we choose to do because we want to, not because we feel we should or feel obligation around. "Flow is energetic alignment with the life force (Tao) all around you" Flow is... ~... a state of sweet agreement between yourself, your environment, and this present moment. Flow happens when self consciousness/the ego is quieted and we are in a state of harmony with ourselves, the environment around us, and with the task of loving creation we are engaged in. In this place, we are fully alive and fully present. Not because we are trying to be present, not because we are aiming to achieve a more spiritual internal state. We are simply surrendering to what already is. ~...energetic alignment with the life force (Tao) all around you. Said differently, it is being in a state of unity. The Sanskrit root word for yoga is yuj which means union, or to unite. Being in a state of unity with one's self is to be fully present. To be fully present and in an act of creation is to be in flow. "By linking breath, feel good movement and intention, the magic happens!" ~...the sweet spot sweet spot between doing too much and not enough. My favorite Yoga Sutra is "Sthira Sukham Asanam," which roughly translates to "may the practice of yoga have the balance between effort and ease." Or, may it be the moment to moment knowing of when to rest and breathe, and when to persevere. (This is why the measure of the steadiness of one's breath during an asana yoga practice is so vital. Once the breath becomes rapid and shallow, the yoga pose is no longer serving you). There are a lot of different ways to looks to conceptualize flow, but the best way to find it is probably just to go out and do what you love! And no surprises here-yoga is such a juicy way to get into some flow. By linking breath, feel good movement and intention, the magic happens!